mouse ノートパソコン (MB11ESV)へのインストールについて

Linux Mintの初心者向けフォーラム

Re: mouse ノートパソコン (MB11ESV)へのインストールについて

投稿記事by skydel0 » 2019年4月05日(金) 03:59

Hello there from Switzerland .After 5 months of work: i god it :D
If you just use noapic your system will boot, but there will be no touchpad and no mmc.
But with this 3 boot paremeters everything by side the fingerprint sensor will work:

no_timer_check acpi_apic_instance=2 pci=nocrs

I use Manjaro right now and it works pretty well. The only problem i saw was that the cpu was overclocking to 2.4 GHz but with cpupower-gui it's easily possible to set the CPU to max 2.1 GHz. And this is very stable for me right now.

I have a MB11ESV-EX.

どういたしまして :D
I hope i could help some one :lol:
記事: 1
登録日時: 2019年4月05日(金) 03:41


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